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24-25 Rangel Teacher of the Year

Candice Lindsay

Picture of Candice Lindsay

Candice Lindsay is the Middle School Visual Arts Educator and High School Yearbook Advisor at Irma Rangel YoungWomen’s Leadership School. She is a Texas Woman’s University graduate with a master’s in Art Education from the University of Florida.  She has 19 years of experience and has been with Dallas ISD for 10 years. Before joining  Irma Rangel YWLS, she taught prek-5th grade Visual Arts at Anson Jones Elementary. Mrs. Lindsay is collaborating with the Dallas Museum of Art to offer leadership in arts opportunities to our Middle School Art students. She is an active Texas Art Educator’s Association member and regularly presents at the annual conferences. She also works closely with the Irma Rangel YWLS yearbook staff as they help create memories and uphold traditions of the campus and document them in our yearbook for future generations to see. When she is not in school, she enjoys traveling and exploring. Mrs. Lindsay is also very active in the Dallas arts community and shows her artwork in local galleries, and is active in her studio community at Art on Main.